Pink, purple, blue, turquoise, green, yellow … Obviously, one or two colors are not enough for us now, it is time to say ‘Bye’ to the Ombre wigs or dye hair wigs. On the other hand the rainbow hair trend keeps surprising us with its ability to evolve. Now, we think we’ve hit the peak of the colorful coif trend with half-and-half hair dye or split-dyed strands. Let’s get more ideas from the Instagram, see the top fashionistas who have dipped (pun intended) into the trend in our round-up.
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends — The Half-Rainbow Hair !
Cotten Pink Hair Wigs
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends — The Half-Rainbow Hair !
Bleached Badass Hair Wigs
Bleached Badass
Sweet and Subtle Hair Wigs
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends -Sweet-Subtle
Dyed Duet Hair Wigs
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends Dyed Duet
Blond/Brunette Bow Hair Wigs
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends — Blond/Brunette Bow
Unicorn Queen Hair Wigs
2015 Wigs Fashion Trends — Unicorn-Queen
How to get hair like a fashionista? Just Take it easy, start from Fairywigs now. The secret ingredient that will assure you look as chic as any red carpet star is keep up with the trends. If you are a do-it-yourself kind of gal, try making this easy at-home, Sexy, beachy hair inspiration awaits you when you scroll! Have a nice day 